Puppies ages 10-12 weeks of age ...
NEW 'THE YOUNG DOG' PROGRAM Start Date: Invitation Only -- Please Contact Gail Hubbard 828-712-4245 or hit my email address below.
Mark Your Calendar: EVERY Monday at 11:00am
Program's Content: The young dog is 10 - 16 weeks old. This program is a drop in meet and greet with instructional information helpful to endure life with a young puppy. This class is perfect for those puppies who have had their first successful visit with the vet of choice AND came from a healthy environment.
In order to drop in you must text or call me: 828-712-4245 if you already registered by hitting the Sign Up Now button below GREAT ... I'll be in touch.
Signing up is essential in order to come attend 'The Young Dog' program. The Price: $35 per class
Puppies 4-5 months are now coming into the K9 Manners - Level 1
Interested? Simply click the "Sign Up Now" bottom below.
Gail Hubbard gail@wnck9.com