When the socialization door closes ... does another one open?
- Written by Gail Hubbard
- Friday, 14 August 2020 12:22
Doors will be closing soon on puppy socialization skills You know the saying, “when one door closes, another one opens?” But with respect to raising a well-adjusted puppy, Alexander Graham Bell lied. Though experts disagree on ages, the door to socialization for your puppy opens at around 4 weeks and closes about 8 weeks later, when your puppy is 12 weeks old. The sooner the better. To be a well-adjusted dog, your young puppy needs to get out of the house with you having some good tasty treats in a food pouch! He needs to meet people--tall people,…
What is Puppy Socialization?
- Written by Gail Hubbard
- Saturday, 12 October 2019 22:19
WHAT IS SOCIALIZATION? Dr. Seuss reminds us all about broadening our horizons with a little bit of humor and rhythm in his popular book, Green Eggs and Ham, written in the 1960’s using fifty words. Using his simple animated writing style is a great way to illustrate the importance of socialization!! Some choose not to deal with socialization. It’s sad, I know! More desensitization.You will not find the answer in the sky; And Mister, I will tell you why!We live in a busy world that races;Too busy to take puppies to new places. Oh My! …
Agility: Learning to love the teeter
- Written by Gail Hubbard
- Tuesday, 03 September 2019 16:10
A Scottie's Agility Journey! By Carol Vaseleski. In agility class today, Katie Kinross Shadowchaser was running a fun practice course with her usual Scottie smile shining brightly. She strutted over the dog walk, turned and ran through the tunnel, took two jumps and left me in the dust when I sent her to the teeter. The teeter looks and acts like a playground seesaw. As the dog runs, it pivots on the center line so the side that was down goes up and the other side goes down. She scaled it and rode it down as the rest of the…
"Oh no a class! ... my dog may bark?"
- Written by Gail Hubbard
- Thursday, 21 December 2017 08:49
First, barking is way a dog expresses things. It is very common for some dogs to bark in class. Some dogs are more expressive then others and your dog typically is doing this same behavior when in other highly stimulating environment. However, if you have a dog that likes to be expressive in that manner, here are some helpful tips to help. The more you do and practice in other arousing areas, the better and faster your dog will learn to relax and be quiet. BARKING … it just doesn’t fit into our world at all, does it? TRICKS Focus back onto your…